
Best Buy CH Hanson 11248 13-Inch Electronic Digital Measuring Wheel Shop

CH Hanson 11248 13-Inch Electronic Digital Measuring Wheel

CH Hanson 11248 13-Inch Electronic Digital Measuring Wheel

  • Measures up to 10,000 ft/inches, 10,000 yeards/tenths, 10,000 meters/cms
  • Large LCD display with half inch high characters
  • Selectable on/off back-lighted display
  • 6 year battery life

CH Hanson 11248 13-Inch Electronic Digital Measuring Wheel
2733-8201 Features: -Measuring wheel .-Large digital display .-Start and stop button .-Easy to use for measuring long distances in any weather or light condition .-Weather and moisture proof .-Adds forward .-Subtracts in reverse .-Convert to feet, yards and meters with the touch of a button .-Measures up to 10,000 feet or inches, 10,000 yards or tenths 10,000 meters or centimeters .

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